George Chao
Grad Student, HST Program
42nd Annual MLK Leadership Award

I am George Chao –a third year PhD student in the Health Sciences and Technology program. After three years at MIT, I sometimes still marvel that I was accepted here. As I meet more and more peers, each seem to be smarter, better qualified, and more ambitious than me. To my surprise, many of them thinks the same of me. It is this powerfully intellectual yet humble graduate community that I have come to love and serve.Outside of academics and student council, I enjoy tinkering. Over the past year, I built a bamboo bicycle and a remote controlled balsa plane. Of course, I build each iteration of my gaming computers, and play a variety of RTS, FPS, and ndies games. In the past, I was an avid ballroom dancer, having competed at several national competitions. However, I have put that passion on hold to better commit my time to the GSC, and now only occasionally attend a class or a social. Over the summer months, I also enjoy sailing on the Charles, which I believe to be the best view of the Boston skyline. I have sailed the tech dinghy, the lynx catboat, and the laser, and hope to sail on the X-Dimension (ocean sailing) at some point.